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jcy123 Offline

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27.12.2019 06:10
ia by 8.997 points at the 1960 Ol Antworten

RIO DE JANEIRO -- Martha Karolyi, the U.S. womens gymnastics national team coordinator since 2000 and overseer of the American Olympic teams transformation into a world power, is an exacting taskmaster. She talks about perfection as if shes never heard the axiom about perfection being the enemy of good.But Tuesday, even Karolyi, a woman with 54 years in the sport, had to admit -- after the American team defended its 2012 team gold medal in a rout of Russia and third-place China on Tuesday at Rio Olympic Arena -- that she could find little fault with this squad.This five-woman group is the best womens gymnastics team that has ever been.I would have to say yes, Karolyi said, knowing that the Americans 8.209-point victory over second-place Russia was the largest in an Olympic womens team final since the Soviet Union defeated Czechoslovakia by 8.997 points at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome. But the USSRs margin comes with an asterisk: Back then, six athlete



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