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08.01.2020 09:01
jersey/]Minkah Fitzpatrick Jersey[/url] ,” so Minkah isn’t likely to win. Kenyan Drake is the favorite to win the Dolphins’ star Antworten

Dolphins defensive back Minkah Fitzpatrick tried to trademark “Fitzmagic” in September Dan Marino Jersey , as Ryan Fitzpatrick was throwing eight touchdown passes for the Buccaneers the first two weeks, living up to his “Fitzmagic” nickname. Minkah Fitzpatrick and Ryan Fitzpatrick now are teammates, with the quarterback having signed as a free agent.“I don’t know what you’re referring to,” Ryan Fitzpatrick said Tuesday when asked about Minkah’s attempt to trademark “Fitzmagic.”After laughter, Ryan Fitzpatrick added that he and Minkah have talked about the “Fitzmagic” nickname.“It was one of the first things [brought up] Bob Griese Jersey ,” Ryan said. “We kind of smiled at each other when we met. It was a cheesy line, but I’ll say it again, I think there’s enough magic to go around, especially being on different sides of the ball.” The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office denied Minkah Fitzpatrick’s effort to squat on “Fitzmagic” earlier this year. Though Minkah could continue to pursue it, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office made it clear Ryan Fitzpatrick is sufficiently known by “Fitzmagic Minkah Fitzpatrick Jersey ,” so Minkah isn’t likely to win. Kenyan Drake is the favorite to win the Dolphins’ starting running back job with the departure of Frank Gore, who started 14 games and led the team in rushing last season.But Kalen Ballage isn’t conceding the job.“I’m a competitor. That’s what I do; that’s who I am,” Ballage said, via quotes distributed by the team. “It doesn’t really matter who has the most playing time in the past or anything like that. I’m going forward and ready to do my thing.”The departures of Gore to Buffalo and Brandon Bolden to New England have left a devoid of experience at the position. Drake, a third-round pick in 2016 Kenny Stills Jersey , is the veteran of the group now. The Dolphins made Ballage a fourth-round choice last year.In 12 games, Ballage had 36 rushes for 191 yards and a touchdown, while catching nine passes for 56 yards. That includes a 75-yard run against the Vikings in Week 15.He expects more chances this season.“Obviously I’m not a guy that’s ever satisfied, really,” Ballage said. “I always want more out of everything Reshad Jones Jersey , so there were some things that I could have done better. I’ll have a chance to make it right this season.”



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