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01.06.2019 05:29
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n on today Minnesota Vikings Jerseys Stitched , we haven’t entered the real doldrums of the league yet but it’s a long way until free agency and the draft.I’m going to purposely shrink the links up here so I can get these posted, get to bed and get up earlier than necessary so I can spend time with my family before we all race off to work.If I see anything of interest regarding the Vikings I’ll try and link it up here or post in the comments.Time to carry on with our news and links open thread full of beer recommendations, nap strategies, crock pot and smoker recipes. Fire up the mock drafts and drop by for some fan wisdom, snark and have some delicious bacon.Around the DN since our last open thread:Wludford ponders if it’s time to add a video official to NFL officiating crews.Vikings news from other sources and news from around the rest of the league:From Wobby opens his pick-6 mailbag to address reader questions, including how the Vikings will approach the safety position opposite of Harrison Smith heading into 2019, if Chad Beebe can make an impact in the race for the third wide receiver position and more.Mock Madness 1.0: Experts picking offensive lineman for Vikings in first round.Harrison Smith checks in from 4th career Pro Bowl.At SKOR North Matthew Coller ponders the future of the Vikings QB’s.From the Cardinals re-sign Larry Fitzgerald to one-year contract.Steven Jones responds to Cole Beasley’s WR target claim.Unsung heroes in the NFC: Adrian Peterson, Frank Clark thrived.We come to today’s media selection:Change the World by Making Your Bed - by Admiral William McRavenAgain, we all know the rules, but in case someone is new:-No discussion of politics or religion-No feeding of the trolls-This isn’t a male version of The View, so leave the gender hatred at the door-Keep the bad language to a minimum (using the spoiler tags Olisaemeka Udoh Jersey nfl draft , if you must)-Speaking of which, if discussing a newer show or movie, please use spoiler tags-No pictures that could get someone fired or in serious trouble with their employer-If you can’t disagree in a civil manner, feel free to go away-While navigating the open thread, just assume it’s sarcasm.With that, the beer light is on and the bar is open. Belly up & tie one on. Don’t forget to tip your waitress, try the Tears of Our Rivals鈩?and as always, Welcome Aboard! Merry Tuesday, everyone!I don’t know what the weather is like where you all are. I know some of you lucky souls get to live in the beautiful south, where 40 degrees is considered cold. Sigh...I..."WhiteFanposts Fanshots Sections Vikings 2018 SeasonVikings 2019 OffseasonU.S. Bank StadiumMinnesota Vikings PodcastsOpen ThreadsMinnesota Vikings News and Links: February 12, 2019New Super Bowl Olisaemeka Udoh Jersey ,478commentsCSTShareTweetShareShareMinnesota Vikings News and Links: February 12, 2019Merry Tuesday, everyone!I don’t know what the weather is like where you all are. I know some of you lucky souls get to live in the beautiful south, where 40 degrees is considered cold. Sigh...I miss the south. Lots of you are in Minnesota, and you’re likely enjoying weather similar to what we’re having. Here in balmy Bismarck, it’s currently creeping OH SO CLOSE to zero. I mean, it’s literally 1 degree below zero as I write this. (Air temp of course, the wind chill is likely 10 or 20 degrees cooler). We just had something like 160 consecutive hours of below zero weather. I don’t want to get yelled at for making you do math, so I’ll do it for you. We didn’t get above zero one time for an entire week (8 hours shy of an entire week, but that’s close enough). I think Minot had over 190 consecutive hours. That’s lovely. I do enjoy the fact that the mosquitos aren’t biting.Around the DN since our last open thread:Ted asked an interesting question, ‘Should the Vikings trade Xavier Rhodes?’.Terrell Davis tells Adrian Peterson that it’s time to come home Garrett Bradbury Minnesota Vikings Jerseys , also from Ted. A Peterson/Cook backfield? In a heartbeat. I’m sure the conversation will stay civil, but I’ll wear this bullet-proof vest, just in case. Y’all wish me luck.Vikings news from other sources and news from around the league:CBS Sports analyzes the top 3 QBs to watch at the NFL combine.At, QB Kyler Murray officially announced his decision to choose football over baseball. The news caught the Oakland A’s off guard, according to CBS Sports. The A’s drafted Murray in the first round of the MLB draft, and signed him to a contract, they say they were unaware of the decision prior to seeing Murray’s tweet. A little heads up would have been nice. I guess he figured they’d see the tweet at some point, why waste a quarter on a phone call?We come to today’s media selection:Here’s a group that southparkskolman (I think that’s who it was?) turned me on to a while back, Trampled by Turtles. I like these guys, enjoy!Again, we all know the rules Minnesota Vikings Jerseys 2019 , but in case someone is new:No discussion of politics or religionNo feeding of the trollsThis isn’t a male version of The View, so leave the gender hatred at the doorKeep the bad language to a minimum (using the spoiler tags, if you must)Speaking of which, if discussing a newer show or movie, please use spoiler tagsNo pictures that could get someone fired or in serious trouble with their employerIf you can’t disagree in a civil manner, feel free to go awayWhile navigating the open thread, just assume it’s sarcasmWith that, the beer light is on and the bar is open. Belly up and tie one on. Don’t forget to tip your waitress, and try the head cheese.



M.C. Klein

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