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31.07.2019 05:46
Football Outsiders: Will Chiefs linebackers engage Antworten

the ball carrier sooner in 2018? Arrowhead Pride had the opportunity to ask Football Outsiders five questions about the upcoming season. This week Womens Orlando Scandrick Jersey , we’ll talk about one of the five and provide our reaction.What will be the Chiefs linebacker’s depth of contact on a ball carrier in 2018 versus that in 2016 and 2017?My reaction: There were so many holes, aging players and a lack of overall talent over the past two years at inside linebacker and defensive line that it was incredibly difficult for the Chiefs defense to stop the run with any sort of consistency. While I’m higher on the new inside linebackers than FO is in coverage, I’m in full agreement with them against the run. Both Anthony Hitchens and Reggie Ragland should improve the Chiefs run defense, especially coupled with new nose tackles Derrick Nnadi and Xavier Williams to clog the middle and keep the linebackers cleaner. A lighter, quicker Chris Jones and a healthier Justin Houston should result in a significant improvement in overall run defense in at least five of the seven spots in the Chiefs base defense over the past two years.Having the starting inside linebackers on the field this week paid dividends for the Chiefs Reggie Ragland Jersey , holding the Bears to 2.64 yards per carry. It’s a step in the right direction for bucking a poor run defense trend over the past two years.Check out the Football Outsiders online store right here. Welcome to another edition of the Beer of the Week!As always, the Beer of the Week is originally presented on the Arrowhead Pride Tailgate on 610 Sports Radio as part of my Defense and Beer of the Week segment.Once again, Arizona brewery distribution is lacking as we head into this week’s game against the Cardinals, so I went a little west to get this week’s offering. As we settle fully into “stout season,” this beer just made sense. This week’s Beer of the Week is Stone Brewing Xocoveza!An 8.1 percent ABV Mocha Stout , this creation was inspired by Mexican hot chocolate. With strong cocoa and cinnamon flavors up front, the beer gives way to coffee, nutmeg and vanilla with a hint of heat from pasilla peppers. This is a truly delicious beer for those who love chocolate and stouts, as well as a little bit of spice to their beer.Founded in 1996, Stone Brewing is the eight largest craft brewery in the United States. Known for their flagship Arrogant Bastard Ale Womens Carlos Hyde Jersey , Stone has never shied away from brash flavors and brash marketing — stamping “You’re not worthy” on the side of their Bastard releases. Arrogant Bastard became so successful that they operate as their own product line, Bastard Brewing.Stone’s beers are typical of the West Coast — drier with a high hop content — and tend to finish very clean. The majority of their year-round releases are IPA variations, and it’s what they do best.On a personal note, one of Stone’s beers, Levitation Ale Demarcus Robinson Jersey , is one of the reasons that I got into brewing beer. Discontinued in 2015, Stone’s hopped-up amber ale was one that I couldn’t find on the shelves in Kansas in the mid-2000’s. With some digging, I found a recipe and set off to do my first all-grain brew. To this day, I still have the recipe kicking around to brew every once in awhile, aptly named “Tribute.” So if you can , make sure to swing by your local liquor store and scoop up some Stone Brewing Xocoveza this weekend!Check back here this time next week for the new Beer of the Week!



M.C. Klein

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