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26.08.2019 09:39
Forbearance a moment, Antworten

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future. "This sentence has become an unchanging truth in the word-of-mouth of generations, but some people have grasped the true meaning contained in it without any teacher. Some people have lost their feet and then they have not stood on me." In other words, this sentence tells me another interpretation of "backwardness": retreat is sometimes not incompetent or embarrassing. On the contrary, it is a strategy for better advancement Marlboro Gold, a wisdom of life, Mencius. The place can't be tolerated, the person can't tolerate it, and the person can't do it." Manan Village is the way. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Goujian was defeated by Wu Guo. Only 5,000 people left to retreat to Huiji Mountain. They sent people to Wu Wang to seek peace. They got a chance to recuperate and finally defeated Wu Guo and achieved hegemony. If Goujian did not understand the "backward" approach, how can Will there be a re-emergence of Vietnam? Han Xin, who is listed as the third master of the Han Dynasty with Xiao He and Zhang Liang, has great achievements. It is also because he understands the "backward" approach. He is willing to be humiliated by his humiliation, bear the burden of humiliation, keep a low profile, and finally go to Liu Bang and build for Liu Bang. Qigong was named as "Chu King" and was even regarded as "Bingxian" and "God of War" by future generations. Look at Goujian and see Han Xin. Who can say that retreat is incompetent? Who can say that patience is timid into my retreat, the enemy retreats me! "This is the struggle strategy that Mao Zedong, a great military strategist, led the Red Army of China's workers and peasants in the difficult years. Under the guidance of this strategy, the Red Army flexibly used its strength and changed its methods of warfare, and sought to avoid disadvantages. Short, smashing the enemies again and again. The thoughts are flying, but it seems to see the appearance of a generation of Tianjiao Napoleon's temperament, but unfortunately he only knows to sweep across Europe, and he is arrogant, but he does not know how to "retreat" in time. In the constant "advance", the spirit of slacking off Wholesale Cigarettes, the soldiers were exhausted, and eventually the defeat of Waterloo, the bleak end. The different strategies of the two great men, can't let us have a deep thought on the "backward" approach, retreat The road to life is just like the bustling streets. If you don��t let each other go Cigarettes Online, you will always hit the people. If you don��t give each other, you will lose both ends. It��s not just a person��s time, but if you take a step back, the two will wipe their shoulders. Is it better to look at each other and smile? Therefore, sometimes taking a step back is a more sensible move, and the results obtained may be more perfect. If you blindly bend the horns, you will pull your hind legs instead. In the wrong or failure, knowing to move backwards rationally, it may be the most important step in life. Dumas said: "Some people are very calm and courageous. They regard danger as an adversary in a duel. They calculate its movements and study its offense. They are only going to take a breath, not to express their sigh." I believe that back. With the advancement, that is, the "one-one relaxation" method in ancient China, the firm advancement and the timely retreat will surely achieve great cause.
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