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nly draw in League One, sharing four goals a jcy123 0 101 22.07.2019 05:53
a Barbara to slow a UCLA squad that ranks second in th jcy123 0 90 22.07.2019 05:52
assists for Los Angeles (21-5), and Nneka Ogwum jcy123 0 89 22.07.2019 05:52
all their pressure on the ball without jcy123 0 75 22.07.2019 05:51
and were still learning what offense jcy123 0 75 22.07.2019 05:51
spot when they host Tottenham on We jcy123 0 61 22.07.2019 05:50
Rodriguezs finale, it appeared the Yankees likely jcy123 0 106 22.07.2019 05:50
t Tuesday in federal court in Manhattan, jcy123 0 106 21.07.2019 06:47
yed well; he made a mistake, offensive coordinator jcy123 0 91 21.07.2019 06:47
t ball for four. Nawaz came back with a dot jcy123 0 58 21.07.2019 06:46
Thursday night. The medical staff initially thou jcy123 0 87 21.07.2019 06:46
. Stroman kept us in check. We just werent jcy123 0 86 21.07.2019 06:46
this is becoming a special season for the Cowboys.- Eleve jcy123 0 72 21.07.2019 06:45
as a great basketball town. He said his latest stint as a head jcy123 0 65 21.07.2019 06:45
5 first-round draft pick Kyle Connor to the American Hockey jcy123 0 107 21.07.2019 06:44
ing time after starter Tracy Abrams got into foul trouble. The jcy123 0 77 21.07.2019 06:44
e.There was little, though, for a capacity 16,500 crowd to en jcy123 0 73 21.07.2019 06:44
to end the first half seemed to give the Raiders a lift, jcy123 0 110 21.07.2019 06:43
American fans. Many of them said the atmosp jcy123 0 85 21.07.2019 06:42
. NaVi showcased its amazing ability to keep its comp jcy123 0 74 21.07.2019 06:42
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