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03.01.2020 08:55
be trapped by the thorns on Antworten

After reading "Dream of Red Mansions", a feeling of unclearness and ambiguity haunted me. After the end of the song, Jiafu was defeated. I sighed deeply, as if lamenting the fate of the characters in the book, as if vacant for the end of the story. Closing the pages of the book, the scenes in the book disappeared from the eyes, like a movie ending, leaving only a dark, closed eyes to think about it, playback a frame, and finally stopped in the most beautiful scenery in the book. Suddenly, I seem to be back in the world of petals Cigarettes For Sale. The wind was blowing gently, and the flower of the tree, like a tired butterfly, fluttered down and fell all over the place. I saw Daiyu gently pick up the falling petals, put them in the sac, and bury them in the flower mound. She stood alone in the wind, facing the falling flowers, telling the sadness in her heart, and her tears seemed thin and helpless. "Hua Xie Hua Fei Fei Fei sky, who is pity for Hong Xiaoxiang?" This sentence is the best portrayal of Dai Yu's life. Since childhood, he has been lonely and lonely, and he has been cautious in the big Jiafu. Although Jinyi Yushi has been loved by mother Jia and Baoyu since then, can other people understand the sorrow and pain in their hearts? "Nongfu funeral laughs today, who does he know when he is buried? Let's see when spring canopy flowers are falling, when Hongyan is dying. Once the spring is full of redness, the flowers are dying." She may think of falling flowers. After seeing his future disappearing like a flower, I couldn't help crying, but Lin Daiyu was so weak, but she dared to resist the feudal forces and become a rebel in feudal society. She reads "The West Chamber", burying flowers in the wind, disdains the world, does not follow the current, and has her own unique personality. She also has amazing talents. Writing poems of chrysanthemums, burial of flowers, and writing five beautiful chants, all of them show Daiyu's talents. However, in the society at the time, her valuable characteristics were not tolerated by the world. She was regarded as alien, no one could understand, no one talked about, and could only be sad in her own world. Despite Gao Jie's character, Dai Yu was finally persecuted by the feudal society. She died in tears in Xiaoxiang Garden, leaving with hatred. A generation of beauties just disappeared, and the huge Jiafu also lost its prosperity. The bustling crowds and laughter in the Grand View Garden dissipated like a dream Carton Of Cigarettes, leaving only endless coldness and coldness. Dai Yu's story is over, but it left me deep feelings and thoughts. "When it comes to bitterness, the absurdness is even more pathetic. Since the same dream, the world laughed and laughed at the world." Dai Yu was brilliant, but eventually she disappeared; The earth is really clean ". When the water is full, it overflows, but the monthly profit is short. This is the law of nature. It exists in life every moment. Everyone will not advance smoothly, they will encounter difficulties and be trapped by the thorns on the road. However, we are not Daiyu. We are not as weak as Daiyu, oppressed by the darkness of reality, and unable to resist. As long as we have the courage and hope, and never give up, we will be able to give the gods power, overcome thorns, and get out of the predicament like the protagonist in the game. No one will be trapped in darkness forever. Even if the darkness is deep, there will be light to break; even if the night is long, the dawn will come Parliament Cigarettes. The brave and optimistic talent is that the final winner, Dai Yu, has already left, the falling flowers on the ground gradually disappear, and I slowly walked out of the red building. Those tragic stories are gone, the dead are dead, and the living are so. We live in the present, and we are greeted by a promisin
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