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d to throw in an extra shirt for the r jcy123 0 60 03.08.2019 09:01
a touchdown with 12:26 to go in the secon jcy123 0 56 03.08.2019 09:00
ho has opted out of the Davis jcy123 0 74 03.08.2019 08:59
read of @jack.sock and I in @nypost but jcy123 0 124 03.08.2019 08:59
with him. They really get tha jcy123 0 66 03.08.2019 08:58
d the only goal when the sides met jcy123 0 67 03.08.2019 08:58
ward spiral this season, surrendering a jcy123 0 97 02.08.2019 13:25
s general manager since June 18, 20 jcy123 0 94 02.08.2019 13:25
ohnson in State Colleg jcy123 0 103 02.08.2019 13:25
fficials in Utah to weigh in on their dis jcy123 0 54 02.08.2019 13:24
perhaps didnt make the most of them jcy123 0 68 02.08.2019 13:24
photographers in attendance. jcy123 0 47 02.08.2019 13:22
n 7-6 (6), 6-4 to advance.CINCIN jcy123 0 70 02.08.2019 13:21
I was doing everything rig jcy123 0 71 02.08.2019 13:21
by someone who was like him in th jcy123 0 86 02.08.2019 13:21
championships in 2001 and 2004, jcy123 0 48 02.08.2019 13:20
y the second time in Rio that the U.S. jcy123 0 70 02.08.2019 13:19
ay, when the outfielder is ex jcy123 0 55 02.08.2019 13:18
believe in has always been a part of this season jcy123 0 82 02.08.2019 13:17
It was Herveys third double-double jcy123 0 68 02.08.2019 13:17
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M.C. Klein

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