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CLEVELAND (AP) — One week into their expansive liny195 0 101 05.08.2019 09:46
at passion can be an Achilles heel that holds us jcy123 0 72 05.08.2019 09:35
g knee and hand injuries, and isnt expected to jcy123 0 67 05.08.2019 09:35
the Times, classical music thrives and grows, b jcy123 0 67 05.08.2019 09:34
d field goal to win the gameI kind of black out. jcy123 0 66 05.08.2019 09:34
wick gave an impassioned speech last week at jcy123 0 92 05.08.2019 09:34
ing to hold onto the Suns captaincy after be jcy123 0 98 05.08.2019 09:33
and 38 assists in 62 games last seaso jcy123 0 58 05.08.2019 09:32
d to give Ruiz a chance at pursuing another rin jcy123 0 67 05.08.2019 09:32
gunfire was exchanged between tw jcy123 0 78 05.08.2019 09:32
on 7 of 20 starts and earned $1,448,744 for t jcy123 0 58 05.08.2019 09:31
rch warrants had been issued jcy123 0 74 05.08.2019 09:27
rgery to repair a broken right hand on Friday jcy123 0 75 05.08.2019 09:27
and just sat back a little bit. But we were in jcy123 0 66 05.08.2019 09:26
to what they say. Michael hid the kid jcy123 0 81 05.08.2019 09:26
Peoples-Jones said. They said I can come in jcy123 0 59 05.08.2019 09:25
Bakh downed more beer and Rodgers got a courtside liny195 0 75 05.08.2019 09:24
Many fans were disappointed last night liny195 0 66 05.08.2019 09:08
TSN Baseball Insider Steve Phillips answers several questions each week. [url= jokergreen0220 0 65 05.08.2019 08:58
Chelsea cruised to a 3-0 win over Leicester City in the Premier League on Saturday with Diego Costa, Eden Hazard and Victor Mose jokergreen0220 0 58 05.08.2019 08:58
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